Data loggers in packaging: The downsides & alternative solutions – Lab Innovations UK
Data loggers in packaging: The downsides & alternative solutions

Data loggers in packaging: The downsides & alternative solutions

While data loggers have been standard, exploring simpler, cost-effective alternatives is essential. This article discusses data loggers' limitations and introduces effective alternatives for ensuring product integrity.



Data loggers, commonly used for monitoring various environmental factors, present drawbacks like complexity, high costs, and lack of granularity for individual packages. Seeking simpler and cost-effective alternatives, businesses turn to label solutions for similar information at lower costs, providing a practical and efficient monitoring method.

Temperature indicator labels, placed on package exteriors, change color with temperature shifts, visually signaling exposure to extremes. They’re cost-effective, user-friendly, and require no extra equipment. These labels simplify monitoring temperature-sensitive goods in transit and storage, replacing complex data logger systems.
WarmMark: Single-use temperature indicator for notifying handlers about adverse temperatures with ±2°F accuracy.
FreezeSafe: Descending, single-use indicator turning from white to magenta if temperatures drop below predetermined thresholds.
ColdMark: Single-use descending indicator turning from clear to violet when temperatures drop below the threshold.

Shock impact labels, such as ShockWatch 2, are designed to detect and visually indicate instances of excessive shock and vibration during transit. These labels utilize a mechanism that reacts to impacts, providing a clear visual indication of potential damage. When exposed to excessive force, ShockWatch 2 labels activate, visibly highlighting potential damage and prompting immediate attention to the affected shipment. This proactive approach allows businesses to implement measures to mitigate the risk of product damage and minimize financial losses effectively.

Tilt labels detect and record package tilting during transportation or storage, alerting businesses to potential issues like improper handling. They visually indicate when tilting exceeds a threshold, ensuring product integrity by monitoring for damage or spoilage. TiltWatch XTR labels provide clear evidence of mishandling, enhancing monitoring efforts to minimize product damage or loss.

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