Health & Safety | Lab Innovations

Health & Safety

Easyfairs Ltd take their responsibility, as laid out in accordance with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, very seriously and it is vital that Exhibitors and contractors do the same. The Health & Safety at Work Act embraces the Exhibition and Conference venues as places of work. As an exhibitor, it is essential that you are aware of your obligations of the Act.

These responsibilities are to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all employees and any plant, article, substance or system of work, which may be used, are safe and without risk to health.

This includes that all employees and contractors employed by you are provided with information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure the health & safety of themselves and others working, or present, in the vicinity by what they do or fail to do. Main areas which you must give due thought and consideration to before and during your time on site are

  • Understanding the fire and emergency procedures and location of first aid centres. All staff must be notified of these procedures
  • There is an important need to keep gangways clear during build-up/breakdown and throughout the show open days. These will be identified to you during build-up and breakdown of the show
  • Working at height must be done in a safe manner using suitable equipment in the approved way i.e. steps, scaffold towers, hard hats etc.
  • All powered access equipment, i.e. forklift trucks, cranes etc. must be operated by GES Logistics – no one else will be permitted to drive or operate machinery of any description in the loading bays or exhibition hall
  • Only acceptable substances are allowed on-site and full compliance with the COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) regulation is required, e.g. fluorescent type lighting tubes require specialised disposal as hazardous waste
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is to be used if other protective measures are unrealistic and that employees are trained in its use and limitations
  • Ensure portable power equipment is only used for the purpose for which it is designed, with safety guards and devices fitted and used. Power leads must be kept to a minimum and not cross gangways. Power requirements must not overload the systems. Such equipment must never be left unattended with power supplied to it
  • Please do not create a floor hazard at any time
  • All staff must be trained to ensure that safe working practices and good housekeeping is maintained in all work areas, minimising hazards
  • At all times Exhibitors must obtain their contractors Health & Safety Policy, details of specific safety procedures, competence and training of staff and the named individual safety officer responsible for the company.

Please ensure all contractors employed are aware of these health & safety responsibilities. 

This is a legal requirement for all exhibiting companies to complete the Risk Assessment and Health & Safety Declaration forms for their stand. These forms can be completed online via the forms section of this manual.  Note, these forms are in addition to the risk assessment that accompanies space only stand plans. .


Construction Design Management

Since the HSAWA Act in 1974, event organisers have calculated the risks associated with the construction and deconstruction of events, and enforced controls to ensure that all employees, contractors and visitors were provided with a healthy and safe working environment while onsite.

In April 2015, The Construction Design Management legislation came into force in the UK to further regulate the industry and ensure that safety was the highest priority.

It is now the responsibility of organisers, as principle contractors, to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury and damage to property, and to protect everyone from foreseeable work hazards at all locations. 

Co-operation and participation of all employees, trainees and sub-contractors is essential to obtain high standards of safety practices. Therefore, no exhibitor or contractor will gain entry to the halls during build up or breakdown, without reading and agreeing to of the Site Induction Rules, which will be displayed when arriving onsite. You will be issued with a wristband on completing this process.


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